The #1 Anti-Ageing Step You Might Be Missing..

In our quest to recapture the youth we once knew, we spend thousands of dollars a year on expensive creams and skin treatments, all the while failing to be conscious about the one simple thing that truly impacts how our skin ages.

When asked to describe how their skin has changed in their 40’s, many women say things like, “It’s less firm and toned,” or “I can see more lines and wrinkles now”. But when it comes to SPF, the same women tend to claim, “I only use it in summer” or “yes, my tinted moisturizer has SPF 30+ and that’s plenty.”

Most women get SPF wrong because there is so much misinformation on the topic. We fail to recognise the direct link between UV radiation and skin damage, leading to premature ageing.

That, coupled with the fact that Australia has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, this is a serious conversation. It’s important to understand that not all sunscreens are created equal, and that just because you don’t see a sunburn, doesn’t mean you’re in the clear.

The two types of UV rays are UVA (aging) and UVB (burning). UVA rays directly damage the collagen in the skin, and are responsible for causing lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, pigmentation, and increased texture. The oxidative stress from this type of radiation compounds over time, which is why some of us notice sudden and increased aging in our 40’s and onwards.

No matter which type of sun protection you use, you will always get some exposure. But you can take your anti-ageing regimen to the next level by following a few simple steps:

Select a high-quality, Broad Spectrum SPF that is 50+ to ensure you are protected from both UVA and UVB rays.

After your morning skincare routine, apply a facial sunscreen that has ingredients that suit your skin type, delivering the key ingredients that it needs.

Dermatologists recommend using a blend of physical and chemical sunscreens to ensure the highest possible protection against UVA rays, especially in areas like your neck, chest and other parts of the body.

Facial sunscreen should always be applied after your moisturiser unless it’s built-in. If possible, apply two coats to the face and neck rather than one.

Layer your SPF! Failing to do this is the most common mistake. Incorporate as much of it into your beauty routine as possible. The easiest way is through mineral makeup, because it contains minerals like Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide which are natural, physical sunscreens that reflect harmful rays away from your skin.

Good quality liquid foundations, pressed or loose mineral powders, bronzers and other mineral products will contain these key ingredients, as well as super antioxidants and vitamins such as Green Tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Pomegranate. These complement SPF and protect the skin from free radical damage.

Regardless of the season or the weather, remember that UV rays are always present (yes, even indoors, and even in winter).

Any woman that has aged beautifully has likely made SPF a priority because health always goes hand in hand with true beauty. This simple step is so often underestimated or skipped entirely. With our mineral makeup range, you will be protected, without having to forsake that youthful, bronzed, and tanned glow.

Discover our mineral base products, bronzers, and more here.

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